Project Managers are the Change Agents who build tomorrow. Why do we say this? Because we can, and we do! This page introduces you to our ChangeAgents Blog Posts.
What qualifies me to offer these insights? In addition to my consulting firm, I have worked for over 40 years, with our industry’s professional organizations. My purpose for doing so: to create beneficial change–both for their members, and for society. Thus, the wide-ranging set of topics in this blog series.
Key to beneficial societal change are two professional organizations with whom I have engaged:
- IPMA®, the International Project Management Association. This is the world’s first professional association for project managers, and is a federation of national associations; and,
- PMI®, the Project Management Institute. This was originally a USA-based professional association for project managers. Now, they have moved from one exam-based certification in project management, to a wide range of certifications, offered worldwide.
Beyond certifications, our thrust, for over 40 years, is to improve the Competence of Project Managers. This improves their initiatives, their results, their stakeholders’ satisfaction, and their organizations’ success.
Learn more about competence–beyond knowledge and exam cramming–by reading our wide-ranging blog posts and articles. We also suggest that you review the success stories here on our website. Meanwhile, if you have comments about our blog posts, I’d love to hear them! Please use Contact Us on our LinkedIn page! to give us your feedback.
This page provides links, in newest-first sequence, to our ChangeAgent Blog Posts. Enjoy!
- Introducing A Very Interesting New Book!
- Does Knowledge Want To Be Managed?
- Advantages and Risks for PMs in the Gig Economy
- What Is Project Management?
- PMR Interview: Small Projects
- Everything I Know About Project Time Management, I Learned in Sports Car Racing
- What Makes IPMA’s Certifications Stand Out?
- We Bring Back Our PM Pills!
- You Might Be a Project Manager If…
- Imagine a World Where All Projects Succeed
- Prototyping and Agile: Twins, Separated at Birth?
- Exploding the Myth of PM Best Practices
- My First Project Portfolio
- Learning PM Success Secrets From Product Managers
- It’s More Than Project Take-off and Landing
- Let’s Start at the Start, and Finish at the Finish!
- Are You a PRO or an Amateur?
- Mission Possible
- “It’s a lot more fun when you are up there!”
- Efficiency and Effectiveness in Project Management
- Do Project Managers Need Business Analysts?
- Horse Racing and Project Team Parallels
- Navigating the S’s in Our Projects
- Public Speaking — Without PowerPoint
- Dinner Speech at PMAF Congress, Helsinki, part 2
- Dinner Speech at PMAF Congress, Helsinki, part 1
- The Importance of Eye Contact In Web Meetings
- Project Managers: Playing Nice With Others
- Do You Manage the Leading or Lagging Factors?
- The Importance of Effective Speaking
- Where Did Stakeholder Come From?
- The Importance of Writing Well
- Project Management: Delivering The Promise
- Five Foundations for the Advancement of Project Management
- Stakeholders Benefit From a PM Perspective
- The Wonders of the Emperor Qin Project Portfolio
- The Rise of Project Management
- Changing the Way Things Are …
- Applying Our Six W’s For Managers In The Middle
Click this link to see more ChangeAgent Blog Posts, from July 2009, to May 2011.