We Bring Back Our PM Pills!

We first offered our PM Pills in 1983, and they were a popular hit! They were merely candy in pill bottles, with tongue-in-cheek labels. Even six years after our first release, we occasionally saw the bottles on our clients’ office shelves. We also released a series for IPMA (the International Project Management Association), and they were very much in-demand.

The Talent Series

The latest release is based on our recent series of articles, webinars, and blog posts on Project Talent. You can see our latest article, Acquiring, Developing, and Retaining Project Talent, here on our website. Inspired by the four Talent Areas in our Talent Tetrahedron–in our chart, they looked like M&Ms–we ordered the right colors, printed labels, and filled the pill bottles.

We Bring Back Our PM Pills!

The pill colors, their initials on the Tetrahedron, and Talent Areas they represent are as follows:

  • Green: B, for Business Area Talents
  • Dark Red: I, for Interpersonal Talents
  • Dark Blue: T, for  Technical PM Talents
  • Yellow: E, for Enterprise Context Talents

You can see why we use candy for the pills: The Talent Series pills, with their Initials, spell BITE.

The Labels

Yes, those who think that perhaps we are having too much fun with this idea, you are right! Our past offerings include:

Stakeholder Engagement Pills
Dosage: Offer one at project start-up, and at each milestone. Caution: Do not force-feed! Improve project and business success with our full range of prescribed services. See StacyGoff.com

PM Performance Problems?
Avoid the embarrassment! Take one before each project. Caution: May be habit-forming. Restore full Project Performance with our full range of prescribed services. See StacyGoff.com.

Manager Effectiveness Pills
Take two at project startup, one at each Milestone or Gate. Do not overdose. Treat your projects right at stacygoff.com.

Take when you notice excessive acronym use. Improves communication instantly! Treat your projects right at stacygoff.com.

Contract Acceptance Pills
Eases acceptance of difficult Contracts. Caution: Do not mix with alcohol! Treat your projects right at stacygoff.com.

How Do I Get My PM Pills?

We offer PM Pills to our customers,  participants in our workshops or speaking events, and other special occasions. They are not available for sale. Just as with Project Talents, their exclusive availability increases their demand!