Our articles & media that you’ll find here include hints, tips, unique insights and commentary on current project management issues. Tip: These articles are in reverse chronological sequence; the most recent ones are at the top of the list.
You’ll find Executive insights for those pursuing a true Project Oriented Enterprise. You will find articles that project professionals can use to polish your skills and knowledge. And, you will see great insights that offer value to Project Managers and their organizations.
You will also see papers we have presented at events ranging from excellent regional conferences, to global events. Those include PMI® Symposia, and World Congresses of IPMA®. Some of these articles have been re-published around the World, but you will see them here first.
In addition to the articles below, you can also read more than 70 Blog Posts. See our range of advanced PM topics at the ChangeAgents Blog link in the menu, above.
Our Articles & Media 2014 through Current
12/2019 A Journey Through Artificial Intelligence and Project Management; portions published in Project Management Review Magazine, China.
7/2018 Stacy Goff’s Interview with Yanjuan Yu, on a selection of PM topics. Project Management Review Magazine, China.
1/2016 Acquiring, Developing, and Retaining Project Talent. Featured at the December, 2015 PMI Talent Management Conference, with over 12,000 participants. This article also appears in the January, 2016 PM World Journal, and in Chinese and Russian Journals.
10/2015 Today’s Most-Competitive PM Teams: Shining a Light on Next-Gen PM Practices; for the UTD PM Symposium 2015.
9/2015 The Path to High-Performing Project Management in a Multicultural Context; Goff’s presentation (pdf version of PowerPoint slides) at the 2015 IPMA World Congress, in Panama.
12/2014 Research, Knowledge Management, and the Future of Our PM Profession; originally presented as the Keynote at the IPMA Research Conference, Tianjin, China. See a pdf of the slides, Research-KM-Future-of-PM.pdf, December 2014.
9/2014 When and How PM Change Agents Add Business Value; for the UTD PM Symposium 2014. Also featured as a keynote at the PMRC Beijing, China Congress, November 2014.
7/2014 Closing the Gap Between PM Training and PM Performance; an update of our popular 2009 article.
4/2014 PM on Tablets: Are We There Yet? Evaluating PM functions on IOS, Android and Windows mobile devices.
Our Articles & Media 2008 through 2013
8/2013 Navigating the Esses: Engaging Stakeholders for Project Success; slides from the UTD PM Symposium 2013. And, you can see a pdf of the related paper here.
6/2013 Comparing PM Certifications: Which Is Best For You? See the article that is increasing clarity and excitement in the pm certification community!
8/2012 Revisiting Risks: Threats and Opportunities in Complex Projects, for the UTD PM Symposium 2012.
11/2011 Project Management Success and Decision-Making Under Difficult Contexts. Goff’s keynote at IPMA-Mexico’s 11/2011 Symposium.
9/2011 Four Tides Converge to Advance PM Competence and Performance; for the UTD PM Symposium 2011.
11/2010 Four Opportunities to Improve your Project Portfolio Performance; for the 24th IPMA World Congress, Istanbul, November 2010.
8/2010 Four Pathways to Organizational Assessment and Increased PM Performance; for the 2010 PM Symposium, University of Texas at Dallas.
2/2010 Demand Better Instructional PM Learning Objectives.
10/2009 Visions for the PM Software Industry; Chapter 9 from the book published by PMI®, PM Circa 2025. Posted with permission.
8/2009 Essential Insights In Meeting the Rising Demand For PM Performance; for the 2009 PM Symposium, University of Texas at Dallas.
4/2009 do u communic8? Project Communication Planning, with a Sample Template.
2/2009 Improving PM Performance in the Classroom and Beyond: A Framework for Developing PM Talent in the Contextual and Behavioral Competences. From the 2009 IPMA Expert Seminar, Zurich Switzerland.
Our Articles & Media 2000 through 2008
11/2008 Everything I Know About Project Time Management I Learned In Sports Car Racing.
11/2008 at the 2008 IPMA World Congress in Rome, Italy, Stacy Goff presented a paper, Collaboration and Competencies in Business Development and Program/Project Management.
8/2008 Measuring and Managing Project Quality: If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it!
7/2008 Virtual Tools Increase Member Engagement and Project Performance.
6/2008 Finding, Developing and Managing Project Talent. Updated 2016!
12/2007 Th Prls f rbtrry Prjct Cst Mngmnt (The Perils of Arbitrary Project Cost Management).
10/2007 What Is A PM Methodology? A Search for Efficiency, Consistency, and Performance
8/2007 Tight, Inflexible Deadlines: Scourge of Projects.
6/2007 Sample Project Communication Plan (Our most-popular download!)
5/2007 Project Management Success Profile (the Project Success Diagonal); a Monograph.
2/2007 Project Management Methods Improvement Plan; a Monograph.
12/2006 Let’s Cure “The Dumbing Down of Project Management.”
10/2006 Distinguishing PM Competence in Training and Development. Presented at the 2006 IPMA World Congress, Shanghai, China.
10/2005 Risk Management: Key to Project Intelligence, for the 2005 IPMA India World Congress.
1/2005, 1/2015 update, Project Levers and Gauges; published Worldwide in multiple languages.
2002 Inoculate Yourself Against Offshore Outsourcing.
2002 Twenty Years of Better IT Estimating Software.
2001, 1/2015 update, Using Vital Signs to Prioritize Expectations.
2000 Fresh Face In IT Estimating Software.
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The information provided on our website is copyrighted. We give you permission to link to it, and to use it. This material is protected under U.S. copyright law. This means you must:
- Acknowledge Stacy Goff as the source and owner of the information.
- Resist the urge to use or alter the information in any form for personal gain, for yourself or others.
Increasing Personal, Project, and Portfolio Management Performance