We Build Change Agents: Project Managers are the Change Agents who build tomorrow. Why do we say this? Because we can, and we do! In addition to my consulting firm, I work with our industry’s professional organizations to create beneficial change. I do this both for their members, and for society; thus the wide-ranging set of topics in this blog.
The key to beneficial change are two professional organizations, IPMA and IPMA-USA. IPMA is the International Project Management Association, the world’s first professional association for project managers. It is a unique federation of national associations. IPMA-USA is the USA’s member association of IPMA.
IPMA members range from young Project Managers to the experienced thought leaders of PM practice. We cover the gamut in experience. Our efforts improve the Competence, and therefore the results, of Program and Project Managers, and their initiatives, stakeholders, and organizations.
The IPMA Certification Program, based on IPMA’s 4-L-C, Four-Level Certification initiative, is the envy of those who desire PM success. Our Certifications use advanced assessments, with professional assessors, to verify Competence as the centerpiece of your PM Practice.
We build change agents! Learn more about IPMA-USA at the organization’s website. And learn more about IPMA at its website. Meanwhile, if you have comments about our blog posts, I’d love to hear them! Please use our Contact Us page.