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IPMA Honorary Fellow Badge

bullet September, 2022: Goff Receives Badge

This month, Stacy received his badge, as: IPMA Honorary Fellow from IPMA: International Project Management Association!

The honor was awarded in 2015, and as of today, all IPMA Honorary Fellows are receiving a notice of this NEW badge, to commemorate their achievements. Congratulations to all!

bullet August 2020: Goff works with IPMA All Star Team on Certification Webinar

Twelve instructors from nine countries worked under the leadership of IPMA-USA President Joel Carboni, and IPMA-USA Director of Certification William Duncan. Their result? Development and and delivery of a unique and intriguing IPMA Level D certification training course. Using the IPMA ICB4 as the basis, we prepared 29 modules to support learners in developing the knowledge needed to excel in the IPMA Level-D Certification Exam.

IPMA All-Star TeamThe instructors are shown at right, starting at top-left: Stacy Goff (USA), Joana Rzempala (Poland), Miguel Carvalho e Melo (Portugal), Oxana Klimenko (Russia). 2nd Row, left to right: Tim Jaques (USA), Peter Milsom (Canada), Dr. Mladen Vukomanovic (Croatia), Bill Duncan (USA). 3rd row, left to right: Pau Lian Staal-Ong (Netherlands), Prof. Michael Young (Australia), Dr. Joel Carboni (USA), Vladimir Obradovic (Serbia).

The modules include learning objectives that are directly connected to Key Competence Indicators (KCIs) in IPMA’s Individual Competence Baseline. They include explanations and examples of the KCIs. They include sample exam questions, in both multiple-choice and essay formats. For those who are ready to learn, the Curriculum and sign-up process is at:

bullet July 2018: Project Management Review (PMR) Interviews StacyPM CompModel

Stacy Interviewed with PMR’s Yanjuan Yu, of Project Management Review Magazine, China. The topics included use of PM knowledge in Sports Car Racing. They also included the core qualities of a competent project manager, and of competent teams. And, we discussed our long-standing PM Competence Model, the importance of Product Talent, and how to “honestly” do more with less.

bullet October 2015: Goff named IPMA Honorary Fellow

Goff, Mori and Taylor receive IPMA Honorary Fellow award At the 29th IPMA World Congress, IPMA named Stacy Goff as an IPMA Honorary Fellow. Stacy (on the left) is honored with Roberto Mori at center (Italy) and Tom Taylor at right (UK).

Goff, Mori and Taylor have served in the four categories cited by IPMA’s guidelines:
a) Service to project and program management practice, our stakeholders, and society;
b) Contributions to the advancement of our discipline, through innovations, papers, and presentations;
c) Service to the parties’ nation (USA), and the national association, IPMA-USA;
d) Service to IPMA, representing project managers, and serving on IPMA’s Boards or committees.

Stacy thanks the IPMA-USA board, who nominated him, IPMA’s current Executive Board, who approved the nomination, and the Council of Delegates, who voted to honor him. He also thanks the many volunteers in the IPMA Family who continue to contribute to IPMA’s vision, both of which seek A World Where All Projects Succeed.

bullet December 2014: Stacy completes four years on IPMA Executive Board

Twenty five countries, thirty six keynotes or major presentations, over 80 meetings (in-person and virtual), and over 360,000 miles in the air. 248 blog posts, articles and papers. Over 40,000 emails, hundreds of press releases, tweets, LinkedIn posts; and four years of nearly-full-time volunteer service.

ChangeAgent Blog

That experience is now all behind Stacy, as he continues to support his volunteer successors. The new IPMA Executive Board will continue our efforts to advance the global practice of program and project management.

This is no trivial challenge for our successors. Stacy helped establish IPMA’s Strategic Plan, and supported the development of IPMA’s updated vision: Promoting competence throughout society to enable a world in which all projects succeed.

So what’s next? Stacy continues to support the project performance improvement efforts of IPMA. He continues to serve his global customers through his consulting practice. His corporate, governmental and consultant clients continue to benefit from his experience.  And, now it will be a easier to arrange a consultation in his specialty: Improving project and personal performance.

Meanwhile, he is re-focusing on a number of open projects, including a range of project management books, for both professionals and educators. This project started in 2008, but was suspended with his significant time commitments to IPMA. He is continuing his articles and blog posts, and his major-event speaking tours. Of course, he will continue to be the Voice of Our Customer for IPMA.

bullet December 2013: Another year of service to the practice of project management

Stacy shares Periodic Table of Competence Elements, in Russia
Stacy shares Periodic Table of Competence Elements, in Russia

2013 was another year of adventuresome travel, as Stacy again carried the message of competent and performing project management around the World. He engaged in meetings and events in The Netherlands, Warsaw, Paris, Lima Peru, Wuhan China, Dubrovnik Croatia, London, and Moscow. In Dubrovnik, he served as IPMA World Congress Advisory Chair, in his role as IPMA VP of Marketing & Events.

Late in 2013, Goff also presented as lead Keynote at the Project Management 2013: Mission Possible! conference in Moscow, Russia. His Periodic Table of Competence Elements, showing IPMA’s three areas of essential competences (see photo at right) was especially popular in Russia, where Mendeleev originated the Periodic Table concept. This session was voted by participants as the best of the day. Stacy’s winning prize will require learning Russian: Two great books on Project Management.

bullet Speaking in the USA in 2013

Stacy also participated in key events in the USA. Those included:

  • Dick Rutledge’s famed Resource Planning Summit in Chicago,
  • University of Texas-Dallas, PM World Journal and Dallas PMI Chapter’s stellar PM Symposium, and
  • the PMI North American Global Congress in New Orleans.

Goff also celebrated PMI® recognition of the importance of leadership and interpersonal skills in project management. How? He presented a webinar on the subject for the PMI’s Information Systems Community of Practice.

His topic, Navigating the SSS’s: Engaging Stakeholders for Project Success, was among PMI’s most popular webinars to date. Over 3000 people signed up for the event. Unfortunately, the Institute could only accommodate 1000 people. Still, nearly 1000 people actively participated, in what some proclaimed to be their most-interactive webinar. The recording remains available at the Institute’s website (membership required). You can also see a pdf of the slides here, and you can see a pdf of the related paper here.

bullet December 2012: Goff continues serving IPMA-USA, IPMA

Five Greatest Challenges

In 2012, Goff was re-elected as president of IPMA-USA, and as Vice President of Marketing & Events for IPMA, International Project Management Association. In addition to coaching clients, consulting on projects, and performing training, he continues to support the advancement of project management worldwide through his speaking engagements and volunteer work for not-for-profit PM associations.

Goff performed the IPMA Keynote at the 6th PM Symposium of UTDallas/Dallas PMI/PM World Journal in August. See the slides for this well-received keynote session, Tomorrow’s Five Greatest PM Challenges–That We Must Solve Today. The keynote was also recorded, and is available on Youtube. This was one of a dozen 2012 events that featured Goff as a major speaker.

bullet goff-xianDecember 2011: Goff Speaks to a Dozen Audiences in Nine Countries in 2011

2011 was a very busy year for Stacy. He spoke at major project management events in nine countries during the year; many were keynotes. Countries or cities and events included:

  • the PMAN (IPMA Nepal) PM Symposium in Kathmandu,
  • IPMA Iran’s 6th PM Congress,
  • PMRC Congress in Xi’an, China. Photo at right, in Xi’an, China, thanks to Les Squires,
  • IPMA Festival of Knowledge in Ann Arbor, Michigan,
  • UTD Dallas PM Symposium, and
  • the AMIP (IPMA Mexico) Symposium.

Goff continues to serve the global practice of project management as president of IPMA-USA, and Vice President of Marketing and Events for IPMA. And, his articles and blog posts remain among the most popular sections at the IPMA-USA website.

Of course, even with all these activities, Stacy continues to serve the PM Performance improvement needs of our clients.

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